Monday, August 13, 2007

Good bye wall

So when we first built this house the wall wasn't there between the main basemen room and my old room. But when my mom had more kids, my dad put it in. And now that pretty much everyone is all moved out we knocked it back down!


Finshed product!

I thinks it is so crazy having that big of a room cause i don't remember it but i love the space so much!!! I don't really know what we are going to do with it but i hope it's something cool!


Shauna said...

Look at you posting like crazy! Did you leave the closet from your old room or did that get knocked out too? I'm excited to see it in person.

Anonymous said...

it is definately weird but i am excited to see it i haven't seen you in forever!

Anonymous said...

That is so crazy! I can't velieve your dad can do that king of stuff like just look at the wall and imagin it in his head and then do it! It crazy tell him that I think he is very gifted! haha

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.